- Supergenius Tattoo
- Seattle, WA
- (206) 322-1630
As a youg artist I knew I had much to learn in life and I was far to unstable to do the right thing and join the traditional work force. In art and my goal was to graduate from art school and spend the next 15 to 20 years working as a production illustrator of some kind, creating whatever tasks were placed in front of me before beginning to really paint. Working in 3-d animation, monster design, tattoos, and tattoo designs, designing promotional advertisements for events and my business, and even cartography all gave me unique lessons that helped me mold an agile artist mind and skill set.
Being the workaholic that I am I’ve worked on far to many projects to name and have at times attracted the positive attention of industry specific and even main stream media. In the midst of all of this my prevailing lesson is maybe the simplest and most enjoyable life has to offer; STOP, AND NOTICE THE LITTLE THINGS. Most of my painting is driven by this simple credo. From a desire to teach myself and hopefully a few others I’ve allowed myself through my paintings to become fascinated with small things and simple moments. The things in life that cant be bought earned or stolen and must not be missed or lost. The gifts of God's creation, moments to be considered, and simplicity to be enjoyed.
I’m damon Conklin, I live in Seattle, and I have approved this message.