Damon Conklin - Markers are a man's best friend - Deposit
Saturday April 30th 18:30 - 21:30
125 Euro
Learn to draw with maximum speed creativity and accuracy. With a few simple processes tricks and techniques I think I can de mystify markers and show how to use them to to their best advantage in any drawing situation maximizing creativity while saving time. I will cover drawing techniques using makers and other sketch media on different surfaces for quick studies, finished drawings and flash pages. I will cover techniques for pulling a rough or difficult concept out of your head onto the paper in an efficient and accurate manner.
The main things well cover are what markers do
basic marker techniques
drawing difficult subject matter and finding form
Tools that work well with markers
Making flash and finished quality drawings with markers
It always helps the learning experience if you've used markers even a few times before hand if your going to buy some try starting with a black and grey set so you can use a proper range of value at a reasonable price
Damon Conklin - Who me uh I'm a workaholic goof ball who had to get old to make any useful sense out of what I've been doing. I've learned a lot by doing dumb stuff and making lots of mistakes and really needing to fix them.